Do you have a question about the services provided by Second Harvest?
If so, you’ve come to the right place.
What types of food does Second Harvest distribute? We strive to provide all the foods that families need for balanced nutrition. We not only handle non-perishable foods, but also fresh produce, dairy and meat.
Where does the food you distribute come from? Second Harvest welcomes food donations from food manufacturers, retailers, restaurants, food drives, the federal government, wholesale and from the national organization, Feeding America. We are also able to purchase food using donated funds in order to provide a consistent supply of products to make complete meals.
If I make a monetary donation, where does that money go? Giving money is a great way to support the fight against hunger in our community. You can be sure that your money is going to help our neighbors that need it most. Ninety-six percent of funds donated to Second Harvest go directly to providing food for families. Only four percent of each donated dollar is used for administrative or fundraising expenses.
What does the 4-star rating from Charity Navigator mean? It means that Charity Navigator has certified Second Harvest as having sound fiscal management practices and is committed to accountability and transparency. A 4 is the highest achievement possible, and we are very proud of this rating!
I don’t notice a lot of hungry people in my community. Who does Second Harvest serve? There is no way to be 100% sure someone is getting the food and nutrition they need based off of how they look or the possessions they own. Those facing food insecurity in our community might even be your neighbor or your coworker, and hunger can strike at a moments notice. We serve nearly 10,000 seniors, children and working families each week. 32% of our members are children and 37% are seniors. Nearly 39% of the households we serve include at least one working adult. You can find detailed information about food-insecurity by county by accessing Feeding America's Map the Meal Gap interactive map.
What is a food desert? Surprisingly, much of the hunger in the United States is concentrated in the areas where our food is grown. Food deserts were defined by the USDA in the 2008 Farm Bill as “an area in the United States with limited access to affordable and nutritious food, particularly such an area composed of predominately lower income communities.”
What does food insecurity look like in Missouri and Kansas? See Feeding America's landmark Map the Meal Gap information for details for every county and every state.
How can I get food or become an Agency Partner? To become an Agency Partner of Second Harvest, please contact Payton Morgan at 816.364.3663 or email For information on acquiring food for an Agency Partner contact our warehouse.
You've sold me. How do I get involved? Take a look at our list of Agency Partners throughout the 18 county service area to find one that is convenient for you. We welcome your donation of time, food or money!
I still have questions. Can I talk with someone? Sure! For any questions not answered here, please call 816.364.3663 or email us at